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I am the one who shoulders plenty of the work in this office.
Many of the fixers here tend to pile the mundane tasks upon me. I do them all because it is, simply, my job. I work hard so that everything goes smoothly. There isn't anything that the rest should worry about when I am here to take the extra load.

Seven Assoc. South Section 4

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
Oi, Meur. Hey. You're zoning out again!
A particularly strong fixer smacks my back, and I open my eyes to him waving a few papers on me. It appears I was too tired to continue my paperwork.

Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
My apologies. Please do continue.

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
Haaah...look at you. Working way too hard for your own good!
He shuffles through carefully sorted out documents, messing them up. My hand moves to stop him, but he holds me back. Questions spill from his mouth and I do not get a minute to answer properly.

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
When's the last time you've gotten a break?

Rosespanner Workshop Fixer

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
Have you eaten? Drank anything? Not even a can of beer?

Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
I drank my usual coffee.

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
Not nearly enough. Look at the bags under your eyes!

Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
I am fine..

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
You - Look, let me tell you somethin' real quick. Okay?

Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
...Please go ahead.

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
I've been visiting this bloody office more than I should. You wanna know why? 'Cause I've been worried about your ass.

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
You're carrying this office's bullshit on your back and they ain't even thanking you for it!
I try not to let the loads of paperwork get to me. He did not need a mirror to show that I was tired. He may have had a point that a break was desperately needed.

Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
I understand. However, I do not believe anyone else will help with this kind of work.
His face goes closer. Heathcliff was my friend. He cared for me to an extent that I do not understand just yet.

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
Then let me help you. It won't take that much of my time. You can nap while I'm at it, even. Get me?

Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
It is not necessary.

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
Load of bull. Sit back for just a minute.

Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
I lean back onto the chair, and watch as he takes my pen and gets to work. He makes little comments regarding how some of the documents were easy to fill out, and how sorting requests from most to least important was easier than expected.
There is usually a specific way I go about things. But I am too tired to correct him on such matters. My vision begins to blur as the phone rings, and he picks it up instead of me.

Seven Assoc. South Section 4
...Rosespanner Office. Please state your business.
And as Heathcliff winks at me, I can only sigh. Trusting him was my riskiest decision yet. For his sake and my own, I will do so.
Any mistake will be fixed later on regardless.